Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Cummings Clan

We were fortunate to have my Sister and her family come down for Thanksgiving. We got a whole week with them and unfortunately it always goes by way too fast. We were able to do some hiking, spend some time in Boise, and just hang out. It's been too quiet since they have a result Lois has slept for 3 days straight :)

Chris spending quality "Dad time"


A few pictures at Zoo Boise

What better ears to hear you with

Megan's and Michael's favorite quotes of the week: "Not Funny" and "Not talkin to you"

Stace and I went on a shopping rampage in order to find suits for the kids, unfortunately swimsuits are a little picked over at this time of the year. These were our finds. Not bad if I don't say so myself. :)

This was the hike down to the South Hills. The kid's did awesome. Neka on the other hand was more destructive.

Love and miss you kids bunches and bunches

Love and miss you guys too :)

I think it took two minutes and the kids were out.

This is for Chris, he found his deer hunting location for next year.


  1. Hi, Thanks for the pictures!! Miss you lots already...makes me want to cry when I see them :) Love you lots!!

  2. aawww, these are so fun. wish my sister and her fam would come see us! looks like you guys had a great time.
