Saturday, October 11, 2008

Feeling like fall but looking like winter

We had started preparing for autumn as the leaves began to turn and the days got cooler. But a funny thing happened, it snowed all night and as I write this it keeps on coming. We are suppose to get up to four inches, so we will see what happens. We thought we should post a few pre-snow pictures as well as a couple with.

Neka by Rock Creek

Who's behind that door?

Thanks mom for the little pumpkins and muffin tin they are perfect for fall, and thanks Judy for your candle holders they fit very well. :)

More decorations

Chris building Neka a house.

Wanna Dance?

A South Hills sunset

Some Scenery

Lois in the snow

The park

Our house


  1. Great pics - I can't beleive you have snow already. It got cold here this last weekend.
    I did a very similar decoration - i have an antique custard pan and put candles and little pumpkins - great minds!! ;o)

  2. Oh amanada, I havent followed your blog for a little while, your home is lovely and I love your pets! I am so pleased with the way that God had blessed you both!! I miss you and wish we could catch up over coffee, look for my prayer letter, I'll be sending another out soon! Love you guys lots!
