Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hiking in the South Hills

Here are a few pictures that show what we have been up to over the past couple of weeks. Since we have moved we have been spending a lot of time in the South Hills, which are 10-15 minutes away from our place. We go there at least weekly to walk our puppy and let her practice her hunting skills. We also spent some time up there with our friends hiking, eating and hanging out. We have kind of stopped decorating and unpacking for a while. We are ready to use our free time enjoying and relaxing in our new place.

Some of our friends on our hike

Annie and Paul


You know we miss trees when we take pictures of them

Just hanging out

Our bonus room above the garage

The extra bedroom

Posing for a picture

Just before sunset

Taking a break on a rock

I'm going to get you

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