Sunday, March 7, 2010

The BEST surprise EVER!!

So... last weekend I got the best surprise. My sister, brother-in-law, and youngest niece came to see us. I was completely clueless even up to the point where we were waiting at the airport, I still didn't know they were coming. So needless to say every one who knew did an awesome job keeping it a surprise. Here's how the story went...

For the past month or so I knew we would be heading to Boise on a Thursday because Chris had meetings. Or so he told me :) A couple of days prior Chris said he talked to his boss and he was wondering if we could pick this couple and their little girl up at the airport, they were from ND and the guy had an interview with Idaho Power. So we would be taking them out to dinner and bringing them to the hotel. I thought yeah that should work it would be fun to meet them. So Thursday I was packing all our stuff which always consists of way more than we need for overnight. But with a baby I want to be prepared. Chris comes home from work and is playing with Avery and taking his sweet little time, while I am frantically trying to get last minute stuff done before we have to go. ( I wanted to check in the hotel before we went to the airport. Chris was taking his time because he knew we didn't have any reservations) So we don't leave as soon as I wanted and end up at the airport first. Chris said the guy would be wearing a lime green jacket. So we are watching and see this couple come through with a infant carrier. I wonder if that's them, but realize he isn't wearing a lime green jacket. When I look at the guy I tell Chris, "that looks, like Chris (my brother-in-law), man that looks like Chris. Ahhhhh is that Chris? Tears. Shocked. Excited. Lots of smiles. Oh yeah, and all that packing was for nothing because we ended up heading home that night:P It was a short visit but was so fun because I had no idea they were coming. Here are some pics.

I love you Stacey!!!
(This picture makes me laugh because we look like giants sitting in the small chair lift)

Chris and Stacey, pro skiers.

Chris and Stacey again. We had awesome snow!

Breanna isn't sure what to think of Avery

Breanna would stick her hand by Avery's mouth and Avery would suck on her hand, too funny.

This is such a cute one of Breanna.
Its so much fun having them so close in age!!!

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