Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Good Day

Happy Good Neighbor Day! Yesterday we celebrated Good Neighbor Day here in Kimberly. We rode our bikes down to the park for a pig roast complete with fresh Idaho potatoes and all the sides. After dinner we strolled on over to the book sale where we made quite a few purchases. It was fun picking out children's books for our little girl and finding old classics for ourselves. Twelve books for five bucks... felt like Christmas in July. Our only problem was trying to figure out how to get them back on bikes... we managed, or should I say Chris managed and is quite talented :)

30 Weeks and feeling good.



Banana Peppers

The rest

Our Book Purchases

Chris enjoying one of the finds.


  1. Yay for the belly pic! You look great! You look like you are carrying a little lower than you have a pretty long torso? Your garden looks good too! Have you been able to eat anything from it yet?!
    much love,

  2. Thanks! You are looking fabulous yourself! I think I might be carrying a little lower...but not sure. We have had strawberries, lettuce, and cilantro from our garden. I think we will have beans and peppers soon.

  3. next post please! We are getting close!!!!!!!!! 3 more weeks for me!
