Tuesday, July 14, 2009


This past weekend some of our friends decided to have a luau. This included a roasted pig, roasted in an unusual manner:
  • A hole was dug
  • A fire was started
  • The pig (covered in tinfoil and a sheet) was placed on the fire in the hole
  • The pig was covered with dirt
  • The pig cooked all day in the hole
By the time we came over it just needed to be pulled from the ground. It was good. We would definitely do it again.

Our attire

The hole with piggy inside

Chris eager for some pork

There it is

Paul with his souvenir... and yes there is an apple in its mouth

The crew

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Good Day

Happy Good Neighbor Day! Yesterday we celebrated Good Neighbor Day here in Kimberly. We rode our bikes down to the park for a pig roast complete with fresh Idaho potatoes and all the sides. After dinner we strolled on over to the book sale where we made quite a few purchases. It was fun picking out children's books for our little girl and finding old classics for ourselves. Twelve books for five bucks... felt like Christmas in July. Our only problem was trying to figure out how to get them back on bikes... we managed, or should I say Chris managed and is quite talented :)

30 Weeks and feeling good.



Banana Peppers

The rest

Our Book Purchases

Chris enjoying one of the finds.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Parents out for a Visit

Waterfalls along the Snake

Part of the 1000 Springs Area


It looks like the water comes from nowhere

On the boat

Pure blue 58 degree water.

It comes from springs underneath the water

The river water doesn't look so blue

Shoshone Falls is as high as it has been in years


A new highchair for our little girl. We found it at a garage sale where the seller had a hard time parting with it. She used it for all 7 of her children.