Sunday, June 28, 2009

Camping With Our Lifegroup

We did some camping last weekend with our lifegroup. It rained the whole weekend but we stayed pretty warm and had a good time. We even saw a bear mosey on over to our campsite. It ran away fairly quickly when it saw everyone. Other than that we just saw the typical deer and elk we come to expect up there.

Our Lifegroup

Abby and Chael out for a walk.

Chris and Mike cooking breakfast.

Tyler and Paul making a campfire.

Chael and Mike

Our tent in the mountains (the bear was about 50 yards behind it).

Out for a little hike

Abby and Amanda chatting by the creek.

Baker Creek

The Baileys at the coffee shop after camping.


Amanda found this morel mushroom while look for Abby's wedding ring (which was left at home).

and that was a good mushroom.
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