Saturday, June 2, 2007


Playing on her back

Looking cute

Napping on Mandi's shoulder

Notice that she is well fed

We got our kitten from my sister before we left for Idaho. She was probably a little young yet because we had to feed her with a bottle, but as you can see she is getting fed quite well. I thought it would be nice to have someone to talk to when Chris is at work, as opposed to me talking to myself. She did surprisingly well on the trip to Idaho, hang on I guess Lois wants to say something- mm. I guess she is maybe hungry?! She rode on my lap most of the trip which is where the spoiling probably began. You'll have to ask chris what possessed him to name her Lois, but it is starting to stick. She got her first bath today which she handled very well chris and I had to chuckle because she looked like a gray rat. We've had lots of fun with her and at times she is very trying and demanding but so far we still like her. :)
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1 comment:

  1. Hi amanda,
    I love the drowned kitten look!! How are things going? Miss you lots. I can't wait to see you.
    Love you lots,
