Once again time seems to fly by us. Avery is fast approaching 5 months and we are thoroughly enjoying her. In the past month and a half she has been giggling, rolling over (okay, only once but we checked it off the list) :] reaching toys and successfully getting them to her mouth, and just started grabbing her little toes. We had a wonderful time back in Minnesota and even made it down to Iowa for a couple of days. We miss the snow, but can't say we miss the cold. Here's what we have been up to!
Cousin Breanna and Avery
Avery showing Uncle Justin how the car works
Cousin Brianna and Sister with their two babies
Pajamas Grandma Gussy made for all the cousins, so cute!
Caitlyn is such a big help, I would love to borrow her for a day, or week!
Meeting Uncle Kevin for the 1st time
Silly girl
Awww.. special moments with auntie Stacey
Learning time with Baby Beethoven
Getting ready for our first swim
Love this girl
All tuckered out from her big swim
Below are a couple of videos