Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I was shocked and horrified to hop on our blog and see that we have not updated in 3 mo.!!! The whole reason for our blog is to keep family and friends up to date on what’s going on and for us to be able to look back on the things that have happened...so to our dear readers we are deeply sorry for we have officially failed =)

So, a lot has happened in the past few months to say the least. Avery has turned one! She still is not walking, so therefore we refuse to consider her a toddler. She is still our "baby" and until she learns to walk, well... then I might accept my denial. Chris also accepted a new job which most of you already know, so we have journeyed back to our homeland. We've been back for three weeks now. Chris has been at his new job for a couple weeks and seems to be enjoying it. It was a really hard decision to leave Idaho and his job that he loved but we are enjoying MN and love being closer to family. We are still trying to sell our house in Idaho. Without being there we know it's not in our hands, once again, God is teaching us this whole patience thing the Bible talks about. We are searching for a church we can call home and are excited to see what God has in store for us here. Our prayer is that we are continually seeking God's will and glorifying Him because ultimately we know it's not about us. Here are a hodge podge of pics....

Avery has been enjoying the walks to the park...


Helping Dad pack up the stools

Big fan of mashed potatoes!

Avery's 1st Birthday

Also a fan of cupcakes =)

She absolutely loves her baby. She loves to hug, pat, kiss, and give her baby bottles.

Her Birthday dinner included corn on the cob

A good friend showed me how to make a tutu and leggings for Avery. I could just gobble her up!

That's it for now! Hopefully see you before three months.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chris and Stacey's Trip to Idaho

I love Avery's sideways binkie

Bre all bundled up and cute as can be

Our campsite


Sisters :)

Michael's got them
Michael wanted me to show him the picture after I took it. He looked at it and was shocked. "what's on my forehead?" he asked. It was a firetruck sticker he had put on a few hours prior. He said "oh I thought I had a owie" he took off the sticker and said "can you take another picture?" He was embarrassed and here I am posting it :0 Miss that little guy.
Caitlyn, Michael, Megan and Bre

We got her... #1

Trying to smile standing in the freezing cold water...

Couldn't stand it any longer

Some beautiful flowers Michael picked me!

Bre and me!

Caitlyn loved holding Avery

Our hike to Titus Lake

Titus Lake

We miss them =(

They did such a good job hiking 4mi. (Stacey included)

"umm this looks good guys but where's our crib?"

Getting into mischief together (starting already)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

1st Family Camping Trip

A warm bath after a long day of hiking

Amanda fly fishing at Norton Lake

Chris and Avery trying to fly fish

She had a good time

At the campsite with mommy

Waking up in the tent

Laughing by the campfire

Marshmallows with chocolate cookies... yum!

Enjoying the outdoors.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Seeing the Family

The past couple of weeks we got to see a lot of our families. First Chris's parents, sister and her three daughters came to visit us here in Idaho. I then flew to Minnesota for a family reunion right after they left. Chris came later and we got to spend some more time with our families together. It was fun seeing Avery getting to interact with all her cousins. They all seem to love her very much.

Grandpa Punt with Avery

Snuggling with Grandma Punt

Grandpa, Avery and Emmie

Katie, Emmie, Ellie and Shari

Piggyback ride

Emmie reading a story to the doll

Guitar battle

Swing time

The girls

Stacey and Avery on the hayride

Caitlyn did pretty well getting the greased pig

Owen and Avery chasing a bubble

Mom and her sisters putting on a skit at the reunion


Bre taking her dad's hat

Emrie, Avery and Bre

Look at us

She wasn't afraid of the lamb once she got that rock in her hand

Michael couldn't keep his hands off Avery


Getting a pedicure with my mom and sister

We got to celebrate Ellie's birthday along with her friend Jack

Two monkeys

Two more

Avery falling asleep on her uncle Justin

Megan swimming at the lake

Michael with a cheesy smile

Playing in the water and eatin' some sand

Long Day