Sunday, May 31, 2009

Visiting Steve and Shari

Neka liked the trampoline...

and Emmie liked Neka.


Katie in front of her 8th grade graduation cake.

Ellie taking my picture.

I think there is a baby there.

Ellie wants to be in the Guinness Book of World Records for something involving a pogo-stick.

Emmie and her Grandma.

Kevin pushing Ellie into the tree...

and laughing.

Emmie loved playing in the car.

Dad taking a nap with his favorite Strawberry Shortcake blanket.

Emmie and her Grandpa.

Katie and Mom.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's a Girl

She's got her hand on her head.

Legs in the air.

A 3D shot.

Those are girl parts.

Tiny little legs.
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Monday, May 11, 2009


Amanda and our baby girl at 21 weeks.

This looks like a plug for Fred Meyer.

Mmmmm.... Peppers

There is actually a tomato plant in this picture, even though neither of us like tomatoes.

Our Garden and Chris stretching.

Neka enjoying the yard.

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Rock Chuck

We had a visitor this afternoon. A rock chuck was found in our bedroom.

Lois spotted it by the nightstand.

It then went under the bed.

We captured it and safely returned it to freedom.

The aftermath.

Bye bye Rock Chuck... bye bye.

Lesson learned: Keep doors to house closed at all times :)
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